
Covid-19 Policy

 COVID-19 Health & Safety Policy & Procedures

September 2020


The following recommendations should be used in conjunction with the UK.Gov guidelines that relate to the provision of dance classes and the use community facilities. These are listed in the appendix.

Keep in mind that these guidelines will be in effect during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic and may be adjusted as necessary, and they will be reduced when safe to do so.

In line with the recommendations from the CAA www.childrensactivitiesassociation.org  

risk assessments are complete and available on our website and staff have been trained in Infection Control. 

The following adjustments will be in place in line with  the government guidelines that can be found in the appendix. This will ensure that we are a COVID-19 secure environment.

All staff will be using lateral flow testing weekly.

Entrance & Exit

  • Students will be asked to arrive no earlier than 5 mins before their class
  • Parents drop students at the door and do not enter building
  • Students will be greeted by a member of staff and directed to their class
  • One way system in place in building
  • Separate entrances and exits allocated to classes where possible to avoid families gathering
  • Staggered class times to allow social distancing of drop off/pick up where necessary


  • Staff will wash their hands before class with warm soapy water for at least 20 seconds
  • Hand sanitiser will be available for all students on arrival
  • Students will be asked to clean their hands  on their return if they leave the room 
  • Hand sanitiser will be available for all staff and students at entrance and exit points


  • Visors/masks will be worn by staff as they meet and greet and in the communal areas
  • Visors/masks will be removed at the start of class and replaced at the end
  • All children over 11years must wear a mask in the communal areas 

Social Distancing

  • Spacing between students in class should be 2 m or 1 m+ following current guidelines
  • Floor spots will be used to encourage social distancing
  • No ‘hands on’ correcting 
  • Elbow bumps or Air High 5s to be encouraged as greetings
  • Only one child allowed in toilet area at one time
  • Separate toilets to be allocated to each class where possible


  • All contact points (Eg Light switches/handles) will be cleaned with Anti Viral spray before classes begin and at the end of classes
  • All toilets will be cleaned before and after classes
  • No props will be used unless provided by the students
  • If scripts are used they will be laminated and wiped down or one use only.
  • Any equipment used by staff or students will be cleaned before class and at the end of class 

Code of Conduct for Students

  • Arrive dressed for class where possible
  • Leave coat and bag with parent where possible
  • Sanitise hands as you enter the class
  • Place bag & coat in area directed by teacher
  • Get changed  one at a time in the area directed by the teacher
  • Bring a labelled drink and snack if necessary (No drink or snack provided)
  • Do not touch any other students or staff
  • Stand/sit on the spot directed by the teacher
  • Maintain a safe distance away from others
  • Notify a member of staff if you feel unwell
  • Wait in your spot until a teacher calls you to exit
  • Sanitise your hands on exit.

Infection Control 

  • Students or staff must not attend class if they have any symptoms of COVID-19
  • All staff will have their temperature checked before classes
  • Any student who feels unwell will have their temperature checked by staff
  • If any student or staff becomes unwell with a new, continuous cough or high temperature, or has a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste of smell (anosmia) they will be sent home and asked to follow the COVID-19 guidelines. Whilst awaiting pick up  they will be isolated at least 2metres from the other students and staff.
  • If a member of staff has helped somebody with symptoms they do not need to go home unless they are displaying symptoms or the child subsequently tests positive. They must wash their hands thoroughly and disinfect the area with Anti Viral spray.
  • If any student or staff test positive the rest of the class will be sent home and advised to follow current guidelines and if required self-isolate for 14 days. Other household members do not need to self isolate unless the child begins to show symptoms.

Appendix 1







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