Safeguarding Policy
Child Protection Policy Statement
In implementing this child protection policy Northern Arts Factory will:
Ensure that all workers understand their legal and moral responsibility to protect children and young people from harm, abuse and exploitation;
Ensure that all workers understand their responsibility to work to the standards that are detailed in the organisation’s Child Protection Procedures and work at all times towards maintaining high standards of practice;
Ensure that all workers are aware of Calderdale Safeguarding Children Board interagency safeguarding procedures and are confident in how to work within these guidelines.
Ensure that all workers understand their duty to report concerns that arise about a child or young person, or a worker’s conduct towards a child/young person, to Northern Arts Factory’s named person for child protection;
Ensure that the named person understands his/her responsibility to refer any child protection concerns to the statutory child protection agencies (i.e. Calderdale Children’s Social Care Services (MAST) and/or Police);
Ensure that any procedures relating to the conduct of workers are implemented in a consistent and equitable manner the procedures for making a referral to the Designated Local Authority Officer (LADO) are followed if concerns about a worker are identified ;
Provide opportunities for all workers to develop their skills and knowledge, particularly in relation to the welfare and protection of children and young people;
Ensure that children and young people are enabled to express their ideas and views on a wide range of issues and will have access to the group’s Complaints Procedure;
Ensure that parents/carers are encouraged to be involved in the work of the group and, when requested, have access to all guidelines and procedures;
Endeavour to keep up-to-date with national developments relating to the welfare and protection of children and young people.
Northern Arts Factory is fully committed to safeguarding the welfare of all children and young people. It recognises its responsibility to take all reasonable steps to promote safe practice and to protect children from harm, abuse and exploitation. Northern Arts Factory acknowledges its duty to act appropriately to any allegations, reports or suspicions of abuse.
Paid staff and volunteers will endeavour to work together to encourage the development of an ethos which embraces difference and diversity and respects the rights of children, young people and adults.
We believe every child should be valued, safe and happy. We want to make sure that the children we have contact with know this and are empowered to tell us if they are suffering harm.
We want children who use or have contact with Northern Arts Factory to enjoy what we have to offer in safety.
We want children and parents who use or attend Northern Arts Factory to be supported to care for their children in a way that promotes their child’s health and well- being and keeps them safe.
Northern Arts Factory will achieve this by an effective child protection procedure and following National guidance (What To Do If You’re Worried A Child Is Being Abused) and local procedures ( HYPERLINK “” West Yorkshire Consortium Procedures Manual).
If we discover or suspect a child is suffering harm we will notify Calderdale Children’s Social Care Services or the Police in order that they can be protected if necessary. – see main policy and procedures for details in relation to early intervention services
This child protection policy and our child protection procedure apply to all staff, volunteers and users of Northern Arts Factory and anyone carrying out any work for us or using our premises.
We will review our child protection policy and procedures annually to make sure they are still relevant and effective.
Northern Arts Factory are committed to policies and action to ensure that those who are employed in paid or voluntary capacity and the people it serves, are not discriminated on the basis of disability, race, age, religion or belief, sexual orientation or gender.
We will provide opportunities for all workers to develop their skills and knowledge particularly in relation to the welfare and protection of children and young people;
We will ensure that children and young people are enabled to express their ideas and views on a wide range of issues and will have access to the organisation’s Complaints Procedure;
We will ensure that parents/carers are encouraged to be involved in the work of the organisation and, when requested, have access to all guidelines and procedures;
We will endeavour to keep up-to-date with national developments relating to the welfare and protection of children and young people.
Signed: Anne Keighley & Sally Harington
Position: Northern Arts Factory Directors
Date: 7th September 2020
Code of Practice
1. It is the policy of Northern Arts Factory to provide efficient, up-to-date, enjoyable and safe instruction to all pupils
2. The premises and equipment will be checked regularly for any defects or faults that exist or may have developed which might present hazards to any attending the premises.
3. The premises will be cleaned regularly to prevent any hazard to health from accumulated dirt or rubbish.
4. All instruction will be geared to the previous experience and abilities of the pupil(s) and no person will be required to perform movements beyond their intrinsic capabilities. Staff will be sensitive to all pupils’ religious beliefs and culture.
5. No energetic instruction will be given without pupils undergoing a “warm-up” session, and after an energetic session completing a “cool-down” session.
6. Registration forms to be completed by a parent via our website prior to commencement of the class. Including contact details & listing any pre-existing medical conditions. These will be held by staff during all classes
7. Any incident in the school, injuries of any nature to staff or pupils will be recorded in the school accident book.
8. No pupil will be allowed to leave the school premises until collected by a parent, guardian or other adult authorised to do so by a parent or guardian. Older student can leave independently if parental permission is granted. Staff will remain on the premises until all pupils have left.
9. No pupil under age 16 will be driven home by a member of staff in his/her car without the permission of a parent or guardian or in the event of an emergency.
10. No member of staff will be alone with a young pupil for any substantial period of time without the consent of a parent or other authorised person.
11. If appropriate, changing facilities will be provided.
12. No pupil may be photographed or videoed without the consent of parent or guardian.
13. Disclosure and Barring Service (formerly Criminal Record Bureau) checks to be made on all staff and renewed annually
14. Only suitably qualified persons will be employed in a teaching capacity.
15. Staff will avoid any unnecessary physical contact with pupils. However parents should understand that some aspects of teaching involve some physical contact. Where it is necessary staff will use the upmost discretion.
16. Staff will ensure that they are properly covered against incidents involving public liability and professional negligence insurance.
17. Staff undertake not to be involved in misleading or false advertising.
18. No form of discrimination, by religion, colour, the child’s background and so on will be tolerated in the class.
19. Any disclosure from a pupil will be referred to safeguarding lead at LA level.
20. At all times, staff will endeavour to keep the highest standards of instruction and behaviour. Staff retain the right to discharge from the class any pupil who persistently disrupts the tuition, uses offensive language, or other anti-social behaviour.
21. If pupils leave the premises during class times it will be under staff supervision and a full risk assessment will be in place.
Designated Safeguarding Person
Northern Arts Factory has appointed a Designated Safeguarding Person (DSP) who is responsible for dealing with any concerns regarding the protection of children.
Named Person for Child Protection: Anne Keighley
Mobile number: 07590820920
Deputy Name of contact person: Sally Harington
Emergency contact no: 07747105277
The role and responsibilities of the named person(s) are:
To ensure that all staff are aware of what they should do and who they should go to if they are concerned that a child/young person maybe subject to abuse or neglect.
Ensure that any concern about a child/young person are acted on, clearly recorded, referred on where necessary and, followed up to ensure the issues are addressed.
The Named Person(s) will record any reported incidents in relation to a child/young person or breach of Child Protection policies and procedures. This will be kept in a secure place and its contents will be confidential.
Procedure for Reporting Concerns
Staff could have their suspicion or concern raised in a number of ways, for example:
The procedures are in place to ensure that all concerns about the care and protection of children/young people are effectively managed. The workers who are required to implement the procedures are to include all staff, both paid and volunteers and not solely those who work with children and young people under the age of 18 years.
If a member of staff has such concerns they should be reported to the DSP using the form set out in Appendix D as part of the process flow chart. Concerns about a specific child should be reported immediately by phone to the DSP and confirmed in writing within 24hours using the form. Delay could prejudice the welfare of a child
Stages to Follow if you are Worried about a Child
Northern Arts Factory recognises that it has a duty to act on reports or suspicions of abuse and believes that the safety of the child should override any doubts, hesitations, or other considerations (such as the potential to have a negative impact on professional relationships with a family). When worrying changes are observed in a child’s or young person’s behaviour, physical condition or appearance, staff will:
Stage 1
Stage 2
The Named person(s) will take immediate action if there is a suspicion that a child has been abused or likely to be abused. In this situation the Named Person will contact Calderdale Children’s Social Care for advice or to make a referral.
Call MAST (Multi-Agency Screening Team): 01422 393336 (in normal working hours)
Out of hours call the Emergency Duty Team (EDT) on: 01422 288000
Managing Allegations Made Against a Member of Staff or Volunteer
Northern Arts Factory will ensure that any allegations made against member or members of staff or volunteers will be dealt with swiftly and in accordance with these procedures:
The worker should listen carefully to what the child says, but not ask detailed questions.
The worker must ensure that that the child is safe and away from the person against who the allegation is made.
The named person for child protection should be informed immediately. In the case of an allegation involving the Named Person for Child Protection, alternative arrangements should be sought to ensure that the matter is dealt with by an independent person. (Note: this could be a committee member, director or anyone within the Group that is in a senior position within the Group and believed to be independent of the allegations being made).
The named person should contact the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO – based within Calderdale Safeguarding & Quality Assurance Services: 01422 394086) for advice on how to proceed with the immediate situation. Outside of working hours the Emergency Duty Team can give advice and/or in the event of an emergency situation arising, the Police.
The individual who first received/witnessed the concern should make a full written record of what was seen, heard and/or told as soon as possible after observing the incident/receiving the report. It is important that the report is an accurate description. The Named Person for Child Protection within the Group (if appropriate) can support the worker during this process but must not complete the report for the worker. This report must be made available on request from either the Police and/or Calderdale Children’s Social Care.
Regardless of whether a police and/or Calderdale Children’s Social Care investigation follows, Northern Arts Factory will ensure that an internal investigation takes place and consideration is given to the operation of disciplinary procedures. This may involve an immediate suspension and/or ultimate dismissal dependant on the nature of the incident. Any actions should be discussed with the LADO to avoid compromising the Police or a child protection investigation.
Anne Keighley & Sally Harington
Northern Arts Factory
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