
Security Policy

Security Policy

Northern Arts Factory work in a number of community venues and in a variety of educational settings. It his imperative that all members of staff familiarise themselves with the emergency policies and procedures of the venue they are working in.

Educational Settings

  • Staff must make themselves aware of the school’s policies and procedures
  • Staff must follow any emergency procedures
  • Staff must speak to the school contact if they have not received any induction

Community Venues

  • Ensure that staff have emergency contact details of Directors and venue contact.
  • Staff must always have a fully charged mobile phone
  • All doors must be securely locked during classes
  • Staff must supervise the entry and exit of all children
  • Children must not be dismissed unless an appropriate adult is there to collect them
  • Any adults trying to gain entry to the building must be challenged
  • Any adults who are legitimately visiting the building must not be left alone with children

Incidents and Crisis Management

An incident can be defined as a near miss, a breach of security, an act of violence/ verbal

abuse. In all cases all team members and managers have a responsibility to record it on the

company incident form.

If you witness an incident you must inform the Venue Manager straight away do not put

yourself in danger.

What is a crisis?

An incident or a crisis is something which happens and could:

• Put our staff, children or our guests at risk

• Damage our reputation with children, schools families or the local community

• Disrupt the business

• Be adversely reported in the media

A crisis is an event, action or situation which:

• Results or could result in the death or serious injury of a child or staff member

(except suicide or death by natural causes which would be incidents)

• Could affect more than one Venue

• Could result in major reputational loss for your brand

Examples include: Child abduction, e-coli outbreak, violent or sexual assault

Who do I need to contact if there has been a crisis?

Contact Anne Keighley or Sally Harington

What is a major incident?

The difference between a major incident and a crisis is that a major incident:

• only affects one Venue

• nobody has been seriously hurt or has died as a result of something which has

happened in one of our Venues but it could still adversely damage our reputation with children, families, schools or the local community, could attract negative media coverage and our employees may

have been affected either physically or emotionally as a result of the incident.

Who do I need to contact if there has been a major incident?

All health and safety issues and accidents need to be reported to Anne Keighley or Sally Harington

What do I do if I have a crisis?

A crisis is any situation, incident or action that could potentially put our children, staff

or families at risk and/or damage our reputation with children, families, schools or the local

community and might be reported negatively by the media

Step 1. Make sure that your team, children and families or the general public are

not in danger – close the business or any part of it if they are. 

Step 2. Contact the Emergency Services if necessary.

Step 3. Contact your mentor immediately if the situation is serious or

support is required.

Step 4. Log details of any incident on Incident Report Form and keep any evidence if appropriate.

Report all incidents under RIDDOR in the usual way if necessary.

N.B. Should you be contacted by a journalist, don’t give out any information. Just take

their name, where they are calling from and a telephone number and contact

your line manager.

Fire Evacuation

1. In the event of being notified of a fire, the workshop leader will immediately obtain the emergency register and emergency phone and evacuate all staff and children through the nearest emergency exit. 

2. Once outside at the designated evacuation point workshop leader must call emergency services whilst another member of staff takes a register to ensure all children and staff have evacuated safely

3. Incident needs to be reported to the venue manager as soon as possible

4. Venue staff need to establish if it is a real or false alarm. 

5. In the event of a false alarm, the workshop leader must await clearance from the venue manager. When it is safe to do so, staff and children must return. 

6. If there is a real fire children and staff must wait in the evacuation points until the fire brigade arrives.

7. Workshop leader to contact Anne Keighley or Sally Harington.

12. Workshop leader should contact parents using numbers on emergency register and have children collected as swiftly as possible.

16. No member of the team must re-enter the building unless the responsible person is satisfied there is no further risk and has been instructed to do so by the Senior Fire Officer.

17. The workshop leader present supported by Anne Keighley or Sally Harington must then complete and Incident Report Form

4.3 Bomb Alert

Bombs come in several forms and each type requires different action.

If any bomb is thought to be in the buildings or grounds of the venue, the venue should be evacuated immediately and the local Police contacted.

Letter Bomb

Should a suspicious package, parcel or letter, be delivered that could be a bomb, the person

suspecting it should contact the Venue Manager present. It should be isolated in a locked room

and the local police called.  Their advice should be taken with respect to the package.

Suspicious Package or Bag

Giving due consideration that members often leave their bags in places they should not, if all

steps have been taken to find the owner of the package or bag, the following procedure

must be followed.

The area around the suspicious package should be cleared and cordoned off.

At the discretion of the Venue Manager present the Venue will be evacuated using the fire alarm system.

Advised of a Bomb Outside

If the police warn of a bomb in the locality, or the bomb threat telephone call states it is in

the car park, personnel in the Venue must be evacuated to a safe area within the Venue.

The workshop leader present will immediately go to the assembly area to ensure compliance

and, when assembled there the workshop leader present will contact the local police to await the all clear call

Emergency Contacts:

Anne Keighley – 07590820920

Sally Harington – 07747105277


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